Friday, December 16, 2005

Foer's Follies
   "Bush gave Iran Nukes!"

Franklin Foer is Senior Editor at The New Republic Online and a major contributor to TNR's blog, The Plank. Two very recent articles brought him into the sights of this hungry Gadfly and I anticipate some voracious feeding. Here is the one of them. I will repost the first from sufrensucatsh shortly.


Ok, I am hyperbolicking. Or is that hyperventilating?

Seems Franklin Foer, senior editor at The New Republic and contributor to TNR's blog, The Plank, lays the blame of Iranian attempts to acquire nukes right at Bush's doorstep.

Iran represents as good a reason as any to be pissed with Bush. Under his watch, the world's leading anti-Semite is poised to get nukes. There doesn't seem to be anything we can say to talk Ahmadinejad out of the bomb. And given his ideological/religious disposition, the odds of him using it against Israel are far greater than zero. What's worse, a wide swath of neocons and other foreign policy hawks seem to agree that these weapons are too dispersed and too hardened to be vulnerable to a preemptive attack. So, I ask again, where's the outrage? And more to the point, does anybody have a plan?

Of course, this begs the question, how did the Iranians develop a nuclear program so quickly, given that Bush has only been in office for 5 years and it takes that long just to lay the foundations of a robust nuclear program? It took Pakistan, under the leadership of A. Q. Khan, 12 years from 1976 to early 1998 to develop Pakistan's nuclear program. Khan assisted Iran in the late 80s and throughout the 90s.

So, should we not instead be pissed with Clinton, instead of the guy who inherited that legacy?


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