Thursday, September 01, 2005

Why Gadfly?:
   A Primer and Explanation

I am an Advocate of Democracy; I am an Advocate of Republics.

The central Tenets of my democratic beliefs are these several Self-Evident Truths,

  • that All People are created Equal, each with unique Talents and Follies; each with common desires of Vice and Virtue,
  • that All are Endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
  • that Governments are instituted among a People, to Secure these Rights, deriving their just powers from the consent of the Governed,
  • that Tyranny arises when one believes opinion to be fact and thus Immune and Indemnified from debate,
  • that Tyrants cannot survive the light of Reason.

Thus, the Gadfly.

People are creatures of habit, and once a Tyrant is identified, they are fair game until they renounce their villainous ways.


Blogger Jay Cline said...

Why Gadfly?

Well, the definition says it all, doesn't it? In a democracy, regardless of your views on the efficacy of modern media and the First Amendment, a free exchange of ideas is vital and crucial to the health and long term survivability of the Republic.

But, as our Founding Fathers have continually admonished us throughout the succeeding generations, Tyranny can never be fully defeated. It comes from the dark spot in our souls and hearts and minds, and we must be ever vigilant.

Tyranny often comes guised as Expertise; those talking heads with impressive sounding credentials and letters that promise us freedom from the tortuous labor of thinking for ourselves. Now, Expertise tempered by humility is a good thing. Again, we have to only listen carefully to our Fathers who knew Knowledge and Wisdom are as important in a Government of the People.

But it is intrinsic for us to better ourselves, and often, some will measure that success against others and declare themselves superior. It is an Arrogance that must be confronted, especially when they pass off Opinions as universal Facts. When Opinions get wrapped in a cloak of Expertise, it armors Opinion against critical Examination.

So, thus the Gadfly.

3:54 AM  

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